domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

The Memorys of Love

  It has been some time since Jonas has been receiving memories from the Give even the most painful , Jonas has started to see his community is not so perfect as he though it was. One night that Gabe was sleeping in his room he started crying Jonas picked him up and thought about a lake instantly the memory started to fade and go to to Gabe , from this on Jonas has started giving memories to Gabe to make him sleep. Afraid to tell the Giver he keep the secret to himself ; the next day he arrives to the Annex and sees the Giver in  a very strong pain and decided to receive the memory of warfare to relieve the Giver. After giving him the memory of warfare the Giver felt guilty and gave him the memory of Christmas and grandparent ; making Jonas want a true family and feel love. Jonas after feeling love asks his parents "Do you Love me?" his parents told him to use precise language making Jonas feel unloved. The next morning he did not drink his pill so to feel stirrings again.

After learning about love Jonas goes to his parents and asks them:
 Do you love me?
There was an awkward silence for a moment.Then father gave a little chuckle "Jonas. You of all people. Precision of language,please!

  After reading this quote it made me think that the community makes citizens feel that loving some one is wrong or incorrect so that way they can control them to marry who they don't love or to do think they don't love. Also it made me think that loving someone shouldn't be wrong because sometimes love is what pushes us to do things we didn't expect to do.In our community love is what unites people together , but in Jonas society what unites them together is the fear to do something wrong. Citizens are so worried of not breaking a rule that they don't realize what is happening around them and don't do nothing to gain the opportunity to choose.

  On the next chapters i predict Jonas will tell Ash what he is learning on his training that is why he will be punished by the elders and will have to go live with the Giver. Also i think he will tell Fiona what he feels for her and will make her not drink the pill anymore like him. The Giver will find out Jonas has given his memorys to Gabe and will become really angry with Jonas that he will not train him anymore. In conclusion i predict Jonas will go to elswhere to find out what happens over there.

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

The Color Palette

  It has been a while since Jonas received his assignment as receiver of memory but still he was astonished by the rules that he was given including the rule of a lauding him to lie. On his first day of training he meet the Giver which on his first trail gave him the memory's of snow , hills and sled which did not exist on the community due to the rule of sameness and climate control. Then the Giver transmitted him the memory of sunshine , sky and the first painful memory a sun burn. After this first impressions he came back the next day riding with Fiona but when she entered the house of old her hair changed giving to Jonas the sensation he had about what he thought was see beyond. But really when he entered the room with the giver he understood he was starting to see colors instead of black and white as the rest of the community. 

 On the book the author states the following "Of course. When you receive the memories. You have the capacity to see beyond. You'll gain wisdom,then,along with colors. And lots more" (Lowry 95). By reading this quote it made think about individuality and how the community takes it away to make all of the citizens look equal. It also made me think that the community of elders hasn't achieved a perfect sameness that is why some people such as Jonas can see colors.  Furthermore The quote made me feel gratefully of seeing on colors that is why we can see how things around us look or even see the emotions on persons face.

  I predict that Jonas will break a rule by telling Fiona about the colors he can see , i also think that the friendship of Jonas with Asher will be broken because Asher would be ashamed of being Jonas friend. I also think Jonas will become rude because of the pressure his parents put on him to tell them about his training that is why i think he will leave his house and go live with the Giver. Not only by living together the Giver and Jonas will form a link and will become really connected.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Seeing Beyond

  I am currently on chapter eight of the Giver in this chapters many impacting events had happened starting from the starting stirrings of Jonas for Fiona. Also the starting of the ceremony days in which the book details what happens in each years ceremony s starting from the one to the twelves. On chapter six we also learn how spouses are chosen and how Gabe is given an extra year to complete the expectations to have a family. But when it is Jonas turn to receive his assignment the elder skipped her number leaving him without an assignment, util the end in which he is announced to be selected to be the next receiver of memory. The elder specify s that Jonas has to have no contact with his family or friends until his training has been finished, also including he has the ability to see beyond.

  On the book the author states the following "I don't understand it yet. I don't know what it is. But sometimes i see something. And maybe it is beyond" (Lowris 64).After reading this phrase i thought that what Jonas says as seeing beyond is that he sees how things change while others don't. Also I think that Jonas sees what he sees because he thinks different from the rest of the community or even he was born to be a receiver of memory so that way he was able to develop that quality.

  After Jonas receiving his assignment i predict he will move to the old receiver of memory's house so to learn and that after a while they will become really close like father a son.I think Jonas will learn his job and succeed but in the way he will find obstacles that impede him to be happy like having a family unit.I also predict that he and Fiona will want to marry but it is against the rules so he will break them changing the community's customs and ways of thinking.