It has been some time since Jonas has been receiving memories from the Give even the most painful , Jonas has started to see his community is not so perfect as he though it was. One night that Gabe was sleeping in his room he started crying Jonas picked him up and thought about a lake instantly the memory started to fade and go to to Gabe , from this on Jonas has started giving memories to Gabe to make him sleep. Afraid to tell the Giver he keep the secret to himself ; the next day he arrives to the Annex and sees the Giver in a very strong pain and decided to receive the memory of warfare to relieve the Giver. After giving him the memory of warfare the Giver felt guilty and gave him the memory of Christmas and grandparent ; making Jonas want a true family and feel love. Jonas after feeling love asks his parents "Do you Love me?" his parents told him to use precise language making Jonas feel unloved. The next morning he did not drink his pill so to feel stirrings again.
After learning about love Jonas goes to his parents and asks them:
Do you love me?
There was an awkward silence for a moment.Then father gave a little chuckle "Jonas. You of all people. Precision of language,please!
After reading this quote it made me think that the community makes citizens feel that loving some one is wrong or incorrect so that way they can control them to marry who they don't love or to do think they don't love. Also it made me think that loving someone shouldn't be wrong because sometimes love is what pushes us to do things we didn't expect to do.In our community love is what unites people together , but in Jonas society what unites them together is the fear to do something wrong. Citizens are so worried of not breaking a rule that they don't realize what is happening around them and don't do nothing to gain the opportunity to choose.
On the next chapters i predict Jonas will tell Ash what he is learning on his training that is why he will be punished by the elders and will have to go live with the Giver. Also i think he will tell Fiona what he feels for her and will make her not drink the pill anymore like him. The Giver will find out Jonas has given his memorys to Gabe and will become really angry with Jonas that he will not train him anymore. In conclusion i predict Jonas will go to elswhere to find out what happens over there.
On the next chapters i predict Jonas will tell Ash what he is learning on his training that is why he will be punished by the elders and will have to go live with the Giver. Also i think he will tell Fiona what he feels for her and will make her not drink the pill anymore like him. The Giver will find out Jonas has given his memorys to Gabe and will become really angry with Jonas that he will not train him anymore. In conclusion i predict Jonas will go to elswhere to find out what happens over there.